Sunday, June 12, 2011

The More Things Change...

I had watched the video when it first aired back in December, but ESPN's "Pony Excess," part of the 30 for 30 series, was especially timely in light of what has happened with Ohio State.

SMU has set the standard for getting caught cheating, and was deservedly punished for it. At the end of the video, several people make the comment that if the NCAA had known how program-destroying the "death penalty" is, they never would have applied it to SMU. I have to take the other side--if the NCAA sentences another program to the death penalty, other schools would shape up (hopefully).

I read a good quote about college football on Twitter today: "It's not the players, it's the men in the suits." Exactly. Hey, big-money boosters, why don't you write those checks to the athletic department instead of giving cash to the players?!

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