Sunday, June 12, 2011

Goodbye, 2011


It was a pleasure to see all of our graduates on the field yesterday. Thoughts:

*What's the lowest your GPA can be to qualify for a diploma? I saw one of my students on the field who, at last count, had a 0.9 GPA (and he skipped my exam). Shouldn't you at least have a 2.0 to walk across the stage?

*Every year, there's that group of students that are close to passing a class necessary to graduate, but they don't pass. Some administrator says "Do you want [student name] back here next year?" and they get to walk. What if we pressed the issue and made these students pass the class legitimately? Can't they take summer school or something?

Our local paper published an article on all of the graduation ceremonies that took place at our coliseum--ours is on our football field. The money quote is at the end by a local high-schooler, who's most memorable high school moment is a food fight in the cafeteria. Telling.

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