Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just Horrific

I wasn't really planning on writing a blog on this article, but I couldn't help myself.  Actually, the first time I saw it on Sports Illustrated's web site, I skipped over it.  However, upon further review, I have some questions:

  • Why is a 28-year-old renting a hotel room on prom night for HS kids?
  • Did the friend know her friend was only 12 years old?
  • What is a 12-year-old doing sneaking out/drinking/sexing with high schoolers?
  • If you're in jail, how can you say you're not a criminal?
  • How can I read this entire article and not read one thing about parental involvement?
The last question: can I have my students read this?  The details are almost too shocking for a high school class; but at the same time, it's a powerful lesson for them to learn.

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