Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reaching Out to Students Via Twitter

Lots of good stuff in the Washington Post this week.  This time, it's a profile of an assistant principal in Maryland that uses Twitter to reach out to his students.

What I took away from this article:

  • I was amazed at the disparity of Twitter use of black students vs. white students.  According to the article, black students use Twitter at about twice the rate of whites.  I hadn't noticed that at my school-maybe it's because most of my students are black.
  • I didn't realize that comments on Twitter were being used to provoke fights...although I should have .  I've heard more about Facebook comments getting kids fightin' mad at my school, but I guess it shouldn't surprise me that kids would move on to other technologies to do this.
  • It's interesting that the principal can get kids to follow him.  I'm surprised when my students follow me, even though I tweet links of videos and photos of our students in action.  I've pondered creating another Twitter account, one that's more personal and not constrained by the "official-ness" of my current account.
It is encouraging that a principal can engage kids in a conversation using social media.  So many kids use Twitter and Facebook to cause trouble/goof off, so it's nice to see them use it as (some) adults use it.

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