Saturday, December 17, 2011

You Got Me This Time, Google Earth

My daughter was sick on Thursday, and it was my turn to stay home with.  With hours of time on my hands, I decided to take Google Earth for a test spin.

Every year, I have my Sports Marketing students pick the college bowl games for extra credit.  In the past, I've given them a sheet of paper with the bowl games listed, and they have circled the answer.  With my sick day, I thought I'd try something cool...

My intent was to use Google Earth to plan a trip from the first bowl to the last one, 35 in all.  I've seen Google Earth used on TV to show various locales, and I thought it'd be relatively simple to show a trip from Point A to Point B to Point C.  Oops.

After 2+ hours, I had to give up.  I never could get Google Earth to do exactly what I wanted to do.  I'm sure there's a way to do it, but I probably should pay attention to those tweets I get with tips and tricks.  Maybe next time...

At any rate, it's a good lesson to pass on to my students about the frustrations of technology and how to work through them.

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