Saturday, December 10, 2011

Note to Self: Use Video

Every year I've taught Sports & Entertainment Marketing, I've had my students vote for who they think will win  college football's most prestigious individual honor, the Heisman Trophy.  Until this year, I had always put together a PowerPoint that contained the stats of each player.  After we went through the nominees, students would turn in a ballot with their answer.  The students that were interested in college football were sorta excited, but no one else was.

This year, I decided to try the above SlideRocket.  Fortunately, my district has allowed the use of YouTube on a very restricted (and temporary) basis.  Since four of the five nominees' schools created a video of highlights for each player, it was easy to create a SlideRocket that was interesting to watch.

The neatest thing about using this SlideRocket was the students' reactions.  I had to calm down my normally staid first period because they were so excited about what they saw.  Now if I can just find the time to create these type of presentations more often...

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