Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wordle: SEM I Job of the Week Qualifications

For years, I've had my students comment on a job of the week, no matter what class I teach.  I decided today to take the requirements of each job I had listed this quarter and make a Wordle out of it.  The result is above.

I wanted to see which terms popped up the most during the last nine weeks.  I kinda messed this up--it was my first time using Wordle, and I should've edited some of the words that were used over and over again that really were just fillers, like "ability" and "including."

It's hard to read in this blog--you can click on it to see it full-size.  You can make some other words out that are repeated frequently: marketing (obviously), experience, fast-paced, communication and skills.  I'm going to try this again with some editing to see what comes out.

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