Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I've Got a Bad Feeling About This

From: umich.edu

The woman I'm replacing at my new school was famous (or infamous) for having up to five preps a year.  So I guess I should have gone into this with my eyes wide open, but...damn!

I'm only teaching three different classes this year: SEM I, Strategic Marketing and Web Page Design.  SEM I's curriculum is changing this year, which I knew about because I piloted the new curriculum last year.  I taught Strategic Marketing once (four years ago), but it has been radically rewritten since that time.  And I've never taught Web Page Design, and need to figure out exactly how to do this html stuff.

I was hoping that I'd teach two SEM I classes a semester, with a new class sprinkled in each semester.  Then my department told me I was teaching SEM I, Strategic Marketing and Web Page Design all in the fall.  Yikes!  On the flip side, I'll be teaching nothing but SEM I in the spring.

At least SEM I is not changing from my pilot days--wrong!  I just saw the new curriculum on Friday, and it's changed (slightly), too.  Basically, I'm going to have a long 18 weeks starting August 27th.

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