Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's a Scam

When I was first hired as a teacher, I had to get my license through our state's lateral entry program, since I didn't get a degree in education.  It took me three years to take the five classes I needed and pass the Business Education Praxis test--key word being business.

It took me a long time to figure out that there was a difference between a business license and a marketing license.  I still don't understand why.  I've never heard of a School of Marketing.  If you want a degree in marketing, you go to the School of Business and take marketing classes.

Anyway, for the last three years, I haven't even taught a business; it's been exclusively marketing classes.  I began to wonder at the end of this year if I should take the marketing ed Praxis just to be on the safe side.

Then my CTE director mentioned I should take the test.  Then when I interviewed for my new job last week, my principal asked me about taking the test.  Then my new department head asked me about taking the test. Then my CTE director mentioned again.  And she mentioned I needed to pay $55 for a provisional license until I pay $80 to pay for the Praxis test this year.

If you're keeping score, I am a certified business that's not certified to teach marketing, even though: 
A) my minor as an undergrad was marketing
B) I have an MBA with an emphasis on marketing
C) I worked in marketing in the television business for four years (and spent three summers in sales while in college)
D) I'm being paid to present a four hour presentation at our summer conference on...wait for it...marketing

Back to the story: I e-mailed my county's licensing guru and asked her about getting that provisional license.  Her response--I had enough marketing credits in my transcripts to add a marketing certification to my license.  For a mere $55, she could add that to my license...and I wouldn't even have to take the Praxis.  That almost made me madder than hearing that I would have to take the Praxis.  So, I write a check for $55, and now I'm suddenly OK to teach marketing?  

C'mon, man!

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