Friday, June 15, 2012

Getting Traded


I just finished my sixth year in teaching, all at the same school...until now.

In the spring, I submitted my intent form saying that I would be interested in a job at three schools, all of which are closer to my home than where I currently work.  I've had some rough years at my school, but this past year was fantastic--I had the best group of kids I've ever had.  I really had the best teaching gig in the county, teaching Sports Marketing I & II and being my school's technology facilitator.

Which meant I wasn't going to leave my old school for any job at one of the other schools.  I decided I was only going to leave if any one of three people left their jobs.  Three teachers...out of nearly 10,000.  As late as Tuesday morning, I had it in my mind that I wasn't going anywhere.

But of the three teachers left.  Again, three out of 10,000. So I fired off the resume on Wednesday morning, got called for an interview on Thursday, and then interviewed/received an offer/accepted the offer on Friday morning.  This is about the fastest I've seen the school system work.

My daughter asked me what I would do with all of my clothes with my old school's logo on them.  Good question.  I pulled all of the t-shirts out of the drawer, the collared shirts off the rack and the hats from the shelf.  I think I've got about a dozen items with my old school's logo.  Looking at the stack, I wondered: is this what being traded feels like? A baseball player must have plenty of gear and knickknacks from their team--what do they do with it all after they get traded?  What did Albert Pujols (above) do with all of his Cardinals stuff?

Not to mention whether they get nervous or not--I'm nervous about starting at a new school; it's the fear of the unknown.  We'll see...

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