Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How is This Guy Still on TV?

I've decided to avoid ESPN for at least two weeks in the wake of LeBron James' first NBA title.  The jock-sniffing at that network is just too much for me to handle at times, especially when it comes to BronBron.  It's amazing that some commentators on ESPN wonder why LeBron gets the hate that he does, after their own network hosts "The Decision" and has a Heat Index on their web site.  And the watchers at Deadspin can tell you how much time SportsCenter has spent on LeBron and the Heat in the last month.

One of my main reasons to avoid ESPN right now is Skip Bayless.  Now, normally I don't get a chance to watch Skip anyway, but with the summer here, I can pick and choose what I want to watch.  And I choose not to watch Skip.  I can remember a segment ESPN used to do on SportsCenter called Old School/New Skool, where Bayless used to debate Stephen A. Smith.  Five years later, they're doing the same schtick on First Take, throwing opinions and predictions around with no accountability...until Mark Cuban called him on it.  Enjoy the show!

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