Thursday, June 14, 2012

You're Not Special

I guess every teacher with a blog has to talk about this graduation speech, right?

I'm assuming that many teachers (and adults) in general agree with the premise of the speaker's message: if everyone is special, then no one is special.  We seem to have a generation of kids that want to hear praise for a good effort, not good results.  That's all well and good, but the real question to me is, who are these people that praising these kids constantly, and do they know that they're doing it?

We still seem to have a steady stream of parents that come to our school, telling us that there is no way that Little Johnny could have done what he has been accused of--despite the video evidence to the contrary.  When Little Susie fails a class, let's blame the teacher.  When Little Johnny doesn't start for the basketball team, it's the coach's fault.  I can imagine that if the parents of the graduates were close enough to their children, they would whisper in their ears to let them know that, in fact, they are special.  Maybe not the kid to the left of them, maybe not the kid to the right, but you, Little Johnny, are.  No matter what that mean teacher at the podium is saying.

I'm glad that someone finally said what needs to be said regarding students and their special-ness, but I would imagine that things won't change once students (and their parents) come through the doors in August.

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