Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Go Time


Tomorrow is the first day of school, and I'm more excited to start the school year than any other year. Why? Here's what I think:

*I get to teach classes I already know, instead of piloting new curriculum or rewritten courses, or completely new courses
*I liked the kids I met at open house. The most demoralizing thing about school is putting up with the "clowns." I didn't see any at our open house, but I know a few of them must be out there.
*I can spend 50% of my day teaching. During workdays, I feel like I'm spending 80%+ doing tech support--my room is still unfinished.

I'm optimistic about this school year, and I don't dread getting the year ramped up, like I have before. Have I been teaching long enough to get that attitude, or is it something else?

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