Thursday, August 25, 2011

One down, 179 to go


There's nothing like starting a school day with the e-mail system (and other assorted systems) down. My first 30 minutes of school were spent on the phone with our IT help desk. Fortunately, they had our problems fixed by noon, but, whew! Hope we don't have those problems anytime soon. I've already got enough stuff on my plate.

Classes went pretty good. I actually had two presentations about my class, one using Prezi and the other using SlideRocket. I've never used presentations on the first day of class, but it seemed to work fairly well, especially since we're back on the 90 minute block schedule.

It did seem like students were more talkative for the first day of school. Three of my students also had their cell phones out--already! My colleague next door already wrote up three students--already! I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

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