Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last Day of Freedom

From: commmons.wikimedia.org

I try to look at these two months off during the summer as a chance to recharge and learn a new skill...but I guess every teacher does that, right?

The last two years have been especially busy: teaching two pilot courses and one brand new course, school improvement team chair, and virtual teacher, among other things. This summer, I didn't teach or take a class, so it was nice to have some "me time."

Some things I got to do this summer:
*install fog lights on my car
*read four (fiction) books, in addition to two marketing books
*go to New York
*work out a lot (although you couldn't tell it)
*revamped some old PowerPoints and activities
*checked out some new web sites, like edublogs and animaps

I didn't get to everything on my to-do list, but I'm glad I had some time to recharge. I'm hoping that this year goes smoother, so I won't need the summer off as badly as I did in 2011.

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