Friday, January 28, 2011

Behaving Off the Clock

From: Microsoft Clip Art

I had the "honor" of teaching Career Management my first year in the business. I made it a theme of my class that what you did outside of work affected your employment status. Back in '07, there were plenty of examples to prove me right, like Michael Vick and Pacman Jones.

One guy who always seemed to escape consequences for being a bad boy has been Charlie Sheen. Despite a long list of offenses, Sheen has always seemed to dodge any punishment. Recently, a senior CBS exec, when asked about Sheen's behavior, stated that it was no big deal as long as he showed up to tape his highly successful show, "Two and a Half Men."

Oops. With Charlie's recent binge and subsequent trip to the hospital, taping of his show has been affected. How long can Sheen keep this up? How long will the show go on?

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