Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day III (and other sequels)

We're out of school for the third straight day. Hopefully, we'll get in some school at the end of the end of this week and start knocking out these mid-terms and finals.

I named this post Snow Day III because I've been thinking about movie sequels/remakes this week. I understand that movie studios are in the business of making money, and making a movie with a built-in audience always seems like less of a risk than a movie based on an original screenplay, but...

The Green Hornet doesn't have the following that Superman and Batman have. Yes, there was a TV show in the '60s, but I can't see audiences flocking to see this film. The casting of Seth Rogan as the Green Hornet is confusing--does the studio want this to be a comedy, or is Rogan trying to break out of a typecast?

The Mechanic is another movie that makes me scratch my head. I like Charles Bronson as much as the next red-blooded American male, but I can't imagine The Mechanic being a movie that anyone Bronson fan would rank as one of his most memorable roles. That being said, if the movie's a success, then more power to the studio!

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