Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Flip Video Test

This year, in addition to teaching, I also have part-time duties as a technology facilitator at my school.  I've come to learn (again) how much I don't know by having this job.

One of the cool things about having this tech job this year is getting to play with some of the new gadgets that come into our school.  Through our Title I funds, we purchased two Flip video cameras, and I took one home over Christmas break to test it out.

You can see the video below.  My daughter and I put together a gingerbread house.  I shot about 6 minutes of raw footage, then used the Flip software to automatically boil the footage down to 40 seconds.  Then I imported the video into Animoto and made it embeddable.  The question is whether video novices like most students can use this in class.  I say yes! 
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

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