Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Human Target: Lance Armstrong

Cycling is one of those sports, like baseball and track & field, that seems to be under constant scrutiny regarding the "cleanliness" of its stars. Lots of big names in those sports have been caught: Manny Ramirez, Marion Jones, Floyd Landis, etc. Now it may be Lance Armstrong's turn to face the heat.

Many in France questioned how a cancer survivor could dominate such a physically grueling race year after year, but no test ever proved that Armstrong had cheated. Floyd Landis declared when he and Armstrong were teammates, Armstrong was using drugs, but given Landis' own issues, his charges were not given much weight.

Now, SI is releasing a story concerning the grand jury's work in Armstrong's case. Like the Barry Bonds federal case, lots of damaging info is leaking out about this case.

Lance Armstrong has built an image has been forged by beating cancer, winning races and dating rock stars. Can his image survive what's going to happen in court?

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