Monday, January 3, 2011

OWN-ing Oprah

Oprah just launched her own TV network on the 1st, OWN (which stands for the Oprah Winfrey Network).  With the backing of Discovery, she's going to have to fill programming for the 24-7 demands of a network, not just for her syndicated one hour daily show.

Oprah's certainly had the Midas Touch with many things she's associated with, including her magazine, her book club, and almost anything she plugs on her show.  However, she's not invincible:  remember the movie Beloved?  Despite Oprah's best cross-platform efforts, the movie was a box office dud.

Will Oprah's network be a success?  With cable ratings so low to begin with, the net doesn't have a high bar to reach.  My prediction:  the net has a couple of moderately successful shows, but takes a big hit in ratings once the Big O stops airing her flagship syndicated show.

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