Monday, January 17, 2011

Killing the Golden Goose

With the insanely high TV ratings the NFL registered during its divisional playoffs games last weekend, the last thing people should want to talk about is labor issues. But, in fact, there seems to be growing buzz about a lockout/strike shortly after the season ends.

I don't think either side will get much sympathy from fans, due to the money both sides make. And why should they get sympathy? They play to packed houses, get nearly every eyeball in America to tune in during their championship game, and have the most popular sport in America for some time. How, indeed, do you screw this situation up?

If there is some kind of labor stoppage, I wonder what the overall impact on the game would be. It seems to me that the general public gets much angrier at baseball players for striking than it does when NBA or NFL players do (and the NHL's not at the point where a sizable chunk of the public care is they play or not). If some or all of the 2011 NFL season is missed, I predict that America's love affair with the NFL is so strong that all will be forgiven whenever the teams take the field again.

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