Monday, January 24, 2011

Making iPads Mandatory in School

From: All Things Digital

The Webb School in Knoxville, TN is requiring students to have an iPad for school next year. The school plans on having students do their work on the device. They also plan on having students read their required material on iPads instead of dragging textbooks around.

The school will require students to purchase the iPad (or they can rent one for $200/year).

I think it would be very interesting to try that at a school in our district. Requiring students to purchase iPads probably would raise a hue and cry for some, and would be a formidable obstacle to surmount. I would also wonder how teachers would react to teaching with the iPad--I could definitely see resistance to implementing these in the classroom.

It always sounds like a great deal to have technology as the centerpiece of teaching tools, still comes down to reading, writing and 'rithmetic first. Without those three subjects as the building blocks of an education, the fancy gadgets can only do so much. Still, I'd love to give it a shot with my classes!

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